Monday, December 2, 2019

When Their Time Comes

He's had a series of 'serious' intimate
relationships, but none were permanent
a puzzle to be sure since he personifies
that old British pride in one's sturdy own
as a fine figure of a man with a most sweet
temperament to boot which not only his
mother but others knowing him corroborate.
But he's yet young and time will tell. He is
loyal to a fault, is Scott and gave his heart
to two little terriers. One wasn't enough
when aged five he sought out a companion
for that one and the two have shared his
life ever since. The five-year old is now
fifteen and during those years recurrent
cancer required two surgeries. The third
return is not likely to see another surgery
for there is also the complication of heart
problems. The ten-year-old female looks
quite svelte, she has lost ten pounds and 
not until she was diagnosed with liver and
kidney cancer did he know he would soon
be completely alone. Chemotherapy every
three weeks keeps his little girl from pain
and, he says, happy for the time she has
left to him. Companions? Constant, but for
those shifts at the fire hall. Devastation of
course initially, but he has since knowing
them and caring for them resigned himself
to his good fortune even though it appears
to have come to a shuddering halt. They
look at him adoringly and he responds with
all the love and no regret he has in him.

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