Thursday, December 5, 2019


His mother, a latter-day Madonna even 
if of the wrong tribe, whose new-era glow
adoringly considers him her "Golden Boy"
magnanimously inducting him through
her touching prayers to a distinguished
place of honour such as that held by
his sainted father who bequeathed to
this son of two paragons of virtue
dedicated to hedonistic pleasure (her)
and skillful managing of the public weal
(him) to shine a progressive light unto
the world bringing Canada back into the
realm of a middle power strategically
outweighing its size and wealth for the
greater good of humankind. This son of
the sun of sunny ways brought Canada
'back' to its presumed place in the order
of world progress in 'post-nationalism' 
for he inherited the mesmerizing charm 
of his father, his cheeky acrobatic skills 
and dedication to supreme showmanship 
attracting all eyes to gravitate upon his 
splendid form. The misfortune was that 
inheritance failed to transfer the level of 
intelligence required to reach the pinnacle 
of perfection assumed to be his. The result 
being a constant series of malfunctions 
due to dysfunction sinking Canada into one 
abysmal debacle of embarrassment after 
another while the man of the moment
continues to crow happily on his success. 

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