Friday, December 13, 2019

 He Pleases Me So

When we were young a lifetime ago
I was the one who trusted and he was 
the cynic and I was forever remonstrating
with him, irked that his attitude might very
well turn people away misunderstanding
the person within the skeptic's facade yet
it was no facade and he remains to this
very day the cynic he once was. What
has changed is the loving person within
has found the courage to face the realities
of life while I become discouraged and
always in need of his smile that never
fails to meet my face turned toward him. 
He pleases me so. In our tight clasp of
one another we have grown old together
with grace and thanksgiving. And though
we are decidedly reserved, it has become
his view of others that empathy is an
emotion to bring to the service of those
whose circumstances demand it. And so
I witness time and again his gruff voice
soft, his arms so accustomed to circling 
me, hugging others reeling from wretched 
blows of fate; an elderly woman bereft of 
her dog's companionship, a wan neighbour 
whose health has noticeably deteriorated
a confused child briefly separated  from a 
parent, the presence of animals, insects 
and birds gently moved from areas of traffic 
to natural shelter. Our intimate recognition 
of each others' characteristics has melded 
us as though we are one entity yet time and 
again this man introduces me to another 
facet of his being and I an suffused with 
gratitude for his warm embrace of life.

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