Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Clashing Cultures

That simple, time-worn maxim beloved
of business that to reach the top one
begins at the bottom is an affront to the
tender sensibilities of the young invested
in the notion there is nothing to learn that
they have not already excelled in as they
set their sights on management, bypassing
service. Theirs is a culture expecting due
courtesy to their status as the future and
there is little time to waste in acknowledging
their preparedness to take the helm while
dismissing the irrelevancy of tried and true
methodology for they cannot be taught all
that they claim to have mastered. The brevity
of their attention-span, the certainty of their
poise determined to cut straight to the crux
bypassing the structure of apprenticeship
through positions lacking the prestige of
authority as subordinates may be quite
appropriate for those lacking in their skills
who happen to be of an older generation
in their estimation which somehow manages
to lack esteem and respect from those they
set out to impress as their contempt of foresight
predictably earns them short shrift and swift exit.

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