Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Only At Christmas

It is now all so familiar as to be formulaic
no need to consider what to select, it's all 
been done endlessly before and each time 
the collection faithfully reflects what has 
been deposited before in a routine that takes 
no real thought. True certain things have 
changed where in the early years careful
circumspection played a role in obedience 
to a limited budget but that is no longer a 
concern as gradually as the years went by 
amount and nutritional quality in reflection 
of the need to collect non-perishables rose 
in lock-step with our finances. Today our 
weekly grocery shopping fell on the day of 
Christmas Eve and the bag in my shopping 
cart to set those items apart from what is 
meant to service our own kitchen received 
the usual items of high-in-nutritional value 
protein, fats and carbohydrates, no-nonsense 
foods like tins of fish, of meat, of beans and 
boxes of noodles and cheese were bundled
neatly for deposit in the supermarket's Food 
Basket collector. Approaching it to deposit 
my offering, a sight never before seen where 
most often a paltry few bags like mine sit
forlornly few and far between whereas this 
day a mountain of donations sat awaiting 
pick-up for distribution to this area's 
dependently vulnerable of all ages who are 
food deprived, just in time for Christmas. 
My eyes swivelled to those of another old 
woman as we sighed with the sentiment of 
'only at' Christmas, mouthing our regretful
chorus of 'if only'. If only society's helpful
charity net was unneeded; if only society
responded in all seasons for the right reasons.

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