Keep Pumping
Agreed, they have all the attributes that
respond to getting 'bang for your buck'.
Hard not to notice their appearance among
the other bright and colourful baubles in a
holiday season meant to appeal particularly
to the child in everyone and the children
living in the homes that host them on their
winter lawns. All the requisites check out
with flying colours for they are large
eye-catching, nostalgic and brightly lit
designed by minds who know the value of
broad appeal to young and old. And there
they sit, irresistible to the eye, drawing
appreciation from all who view them as is
the householder's intention. Last year the
one decorating a lawn up the street was
Disney-themed, with Mickey as Santa
surrounded by a lesser but just as colourful
supporting cast. This year there are two
Choo-Choos blaring colour and form on
two separate lawns down the street. At first
appearance they glow with brilliant appeal.
But this is the white wasteland of the Great
Frozen North above the 49th Parallel and
while a White Christmas is guaranteed the
assurance that a large inflated decoration
will stay that way cannot be; a tradeoff for
Christmas in such warm climes as California
or Florida where inflatables are guaranteed
not to deflate amidst a dearth of snow. Yet
those homeowners, battling desperate chill
of sub-zero temperatures and falling snow
faithfully emerge every day to re-inflate
those child-centric Christmas decorations.
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