Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Spoils in Perpetuity

Death is final. What do reparations
signify to the uneasy ghosts of
those who were victims of
genocide? They cannot return
to resume their lives to take
possession of all that they owned.
They cannot stand in a court of
international law to confront
their murderers. They can haunt
the conscience of those who 
might have resisted while the
victims endured the unspeakable.
But the perpetrators had not one
iota of conscience then and nor
have they now, they and their
successors who now cry !foul!
when the survivors of mass
imprisonment, slave labour, torture
the wholesale deprivation of a
life of normalcy timidly plead
for their property to be returned.
For those who took no part in
the extermination of lives took
swift action in appropriating to
themselves whatever the victims
owned with no intention then of
ever returning it and none now.

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