Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Diplomat

Hard to tell whether it is merely
stupidity or truly hubris that seems
to invest some authority figures with
the belief that they are endowed with
the fabled wisdom of Solomon such
that they gravely intone an opinion
none are assumed to gainsay in the
expectation that a problem vexing
the world for untold generations is
suddenly, through the generosity of
his advice, solved. Why no one ever
thought of simply surrendering the
ancient struggle for autonomy against a 
regional power accustomed like the
sage above to demanding that those
whose ancestral land he has absorbed
in a grandiose capture to boost his
territorial ambitions puzzles this man
whom owing to his position all are
meant to regard as a conciliator of 
strained aspirations and aggrieved status
of historical deprivation by the powerful.
The morally injured and deprived grit
their teeth in the face of such wisdom
gravely advising they surrender to
the inevitable, and get on with their
agenda knowing none but they are
the least bit moved by their plight.


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