Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Creatrix, Created

In the likeness of Nature made she him.
Male and female created she them, and
blessed them. So much are they in her
likeness that they can be kind or cruel
disinterested but fascinated, wise and
yet oblivious, mischievous and perhaps
cosmopolitan, gifted but crude; they in
her image are all of this and much, much
more. As she can be dangerous in failing
to note the actions of her elements and
their reactions on the whole of her creation
threatening destruction while her attention
is elsewhere, so too are her creations more
than capable of indulging their baser
instincts and themselves wreaking havoc
upon the world they inhabit, mindlessly
seeking to conquer that which is not 
theirs to control and to hold, and her
response can be a punishment beyond
anything her creatures can imagine for if
they possessed her attributes of timeless
creation their careless manipulation of
all they survey would surely destroy her.

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