Monday, May 13, 2019

Querying, Lord

You may perhaps choose to
excuse the familiarity in tone by
which you are addressed though
sacred is your name but I feel as
though I know you and so I should
since from the earliest days your
name has been spoken with such
reverence yet as one in whom
much trust is given. So I trust
you will allow me to relieve
myself of a puzzling question
which I have no doubt many of
your faithful before me have raised
and to that effect I wonder why it
is that a creator so loving of his
chosen people has burdened them
so heavily in their service to him 
leaving them to persevere to endure
the unendurable as he stands by
his own witness to annihilation of
generations. This as a culmination
of millenniums from the ancient world
to the present where a devoted people
disenfranchised of all held dear in
fact promised by their maker for
time immemorial feeling forsaken
utterly forlorn yet stubborn as they
deign not to forsake their trust in you 
who permitted another return to 
Zion once again threatened by a 
world dedicated to their own focus 
on the total destruction of all your 
people, Lord. How much and when 
will you deem enough enough?

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