Friday, May 24, 2019

The Forest Silence

In the cool, green shaded serenity
of the woodland trails her presence
is an anomaly, as though a gnome
has come suddenly to full attention
striding the pathways upon emerging
from the forest interior. Affecting an
all-season cape, lank auburn hair
reflecting that of her well-tempered
dog she is heard long before she
hoves into view impairing the silence
comforting the unwary. Others may
listen for the staccato of woodpecker
activity, the shrill call of a bluejay
the lilting paean of a cardinal and
the scolding of a red squirrel at all
trespassers into nature's habitat for
the wild untamed but she listens to
the cacophony of sound emitted by
her digital music selection, earbuds
firmly screwed into place, her sturdy
figure barrelling along oblivious to the
presence of wildflowers and butterflies.
Anything can happen in a forest and
though one must be there to hear a 
tree as it falls, any could crash against
the trail as she passes, never heard
nor would she be heard of again.

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