Sunday, May 5, 2019

Never Again

It speaks to the profound mystery of human
nature in all its idiosyncratic diversity
that while most seek to live in harmony
with others they are confounded in
their intention by unsought adversaries
who not only will not agree to allow them
peace, but intend to inflict death upon
those whom their hatred unerringly targets.
This is a hatred and a dispute of ancient
origins of desert tribal nomads challenging
one another for scarce resource advantage
taken in territorial claims abetted by
war and the eagerness to extract blood
to attain victory. Time has passed since
their historical feud but the victimhood
nursing the grievances of the pathological
haters keeps the embers of their inherited
death-delivering campaigns live and lethal.
Long aeons ago, yesterday, today and yet
tomorrow the archaic treasured homeland 
of Israel has faced campaigns of pillage
and extermination in a never-ending goal
to destroy security and haven for a long
oppressed people in a land where Jewish 
lives are held invulnerable to genocidal 
intent by those striving total destruction
met by the implacable resolve of the targets
to foil the intransigent intent of terrorists.

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