Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Local Wildlife

Time and exposure, you see, does that.
We have become friends. There is
a certain element of trust and of
course familiarity. Neither it nor I
have ever experienced hostility
one from the other. On my part there
is appreciation that a creature of
quite another species can in its very
own way communicate with me if
it wishes. We have also exchanged
visits to one another's habitats. The
raccoon's in the nearby forest where
he is seldom at home when I venture
there. And he at all hours of the
day and night, along with his many
companions, large and small, old
and young they come calling.
Granted not to confer with me but
rather to graciously consume all
that I offer for their convenience on
my readily accessible porch where
they seem to find comfort in the
offerings during winter months and
now in spring when I have doubts
they really need the help but am 
so fond of their presence their treats
are laid out for their pleasure and
mine, a kind of cross-species dance.

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