Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Sectarian Divide

Homo sapiens in the learned language
of Latin otherwise known as 'wise man'
habitually demonstrates traits removed
a fair distance from what man-the-wise
might be expected to produce in the
best interests of humanity's survival
none the least of which is tolerance
for all of those who inhabit the globe.
Cerebral functioning of the highest order
granted by nature in the creation of man
in the mistaken belief that wisdom would
control emotions veering from concern
for others to its extreme of murderous 
malevolence toward others not of their
own group and as such clearly unfit for
continued life. A neutral consciousness
might be puzzled that mass adaptation
of the species to belief in a superior being
responsible for all creation would imbue
the faithful with the spirit of tranquility
and peace. But faith sources abound and
in their abundance become anathema to
differentiated adherents all of whom speak
in reverent tones of godliness and peace
yet never fail to embark on missions to
degrade belief in the other's obvious error
in judgement whose punishment is death.

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