Friday, May 17, 2019

And In Summation

Surely it represents a gross perversion 
of language, sensibility and intelligence
to refer to a religion spread by the
sword intent on worldly conquest and
the spoils of war to refer to itself as the
religion of peace insofar as Islam views
itself as the home of peace while all
others religions become perforce regions 
of war. To bend to coercion, threats
intimidation, persecution is the Islamic 
path to divine salvation. Little wonder 
the world of thinkers of rational beings 
look askance and with no little skepticism 
at the overwhelming pervasiveness of
thuggishness in an all-consuming ideology 
professing to sacred adherence to the 
word of its god that sends its faithful out 
into the world to wreak havoc, sow terror
commit bloodshed in a time-dishonoured 
tradition of mayhem, massively disrupting 
the rhythms of ordinary life for unassuming 
people themselves innocently paying due 
homage to the Messenger and obeisance 
to his luminous master finding themselves
vilified, attacked and massacred for an
insufficiently devoted grasp of Islam. As
for all others not yet declaring their
undiluted loyalty, accursed, deserving
of death, those who balk at 'submission'
to a pathological concept of a higher
being of malice aforethought, to them
go out fatwas inciting heroic warriors of 
Islam to their targets and their rewards.

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