Wednesday, April 24, 2019

You Judge

And good luck to the struggle to
determine which side of the fault they
land on, those who out of nowhere
suddenly use electronic communications
to plead their case for your consideration.
Are they emotionally needy supplicants
for the mercy of friendship in a hostile
world or are they off on a lark of control
of harnessing their powers of persuasion
to convince that your guard be lowered
despite previous instances of similar
pleas ultimately revealing the predatory
nature of the approaches to service the
ego and more of anti-social deviants
who somehow found your image an
invitation to intrude and cast their case
into the presumed sea of sympathy your
face exudes. Your conscience refuses to
reach instant judgement allowing your
reserved responses to innocuous but
ever so persistent pedestrian questions
that defy logic in their presumptuous
enquiry leaving you feeling obliged to
reciprocate while acknowledging either
way the wind blows this is a trap you
can either succumb to in fear of harming
another person's emotional stability or
choosing to summarily cease contact in
the belief that yet another psychopath
has infiltrated your sphere uninvited.

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