Sunday, April 7, 2019

Cultural Facade

Truly, it is remarkable how distant
we are from our primal past
how indebted we are to our
social evolution that has brought
us to the present where we
celebrate equality and pardon
so graciously those whose
tribal identities restrain them
from achieving civilization's
norms in the belief that they too
will in time manage to overcome
their visceral distrust and hatred
of all that is unfamiliar and thus
prohibited and threatening. The 
while the one exception to our 
adaptive enlightenment remains the
universal anachronism buried
deep in the male subconscious
that women are the other not to 
be confused with any measure of
equality but as personal resources
by which one's genetic survival
can be assured and in that
illusion lies the provocation of
ownership challenged when the
male psyche reacts with murderous
intent at the merest whiff of
independence much less an
image of inconstancy, reverting
to origins and primal outrage.

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