Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Justin Trudeau?

Chivalry, no that won't do the trick.
It's outdated, patronizing even if it
is also good social manners. Much more
befitting the times and ambition of a
man whose mantra is that people (read
men and women) 'experience things
differently' when he is caught out
exploiting women in obedience to his
authentic male superiority and vast
entitlements, is to present as a fully
committed 'feminist', one so utterly
dedicated to the empowerment of women
he never hesitated to broadcast his virtue
abroad, challenging other national
leaders to follow his exemplary example.
Until his house of shimmering mirrors
reflecting his abundance of virtues
came crashing down through the
spiteful revelations of a woman
trusted not to be too particular about
her instincts, her morals, her own
virtue as a woman who would not be
pushed around by anyone, and whose
leader now fully exposed for the hollow
vessel that he is, has made his very own
journey to reputational gehenna there
to stew in the reeking juices of his
theatrical excesses, his faux Liberal
conscientious progressive adventure.

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