Monday, April 1, 2019

Deadly Torment

Though it may be utterly devoid of
compassionate humanism perhaps
as yet another experiment testing
the extent and borders of the human
spirit and hope that does indeed
spring eternal when it is clear that
hope alone will not rescue those
slated for a deliberate bloodbath by
a hostile power determined to fully
eliminate a people, there is some
measure of utility in examining how
it is and why it is that some victims
manage through sheer will to persevere
and become survivors wracked with
the guilt of having evaded death while
so many other innocents succumbed.
And how fitting in an analytical way
that it would be a German journalist
who would suggest that Jews could
become accustomed and live with the
constant barrage of bombs targeting
them from a site bordering on their
nation, obviously taking a lesson from
the hugely successful genocide his
country unleashed upon Europe's
hapless Jews with no nation and no
military to protect them. Now that
there is such a nation and such an
avowed military the stress and strain
of emotions under fire appear to this
observer safe himself from emotional
upheaval as a non-target, that being
bombed should be regarded by those
sufferers merely as a tolerable irritant.

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