Sunday, April 14, 2019

That Which Is

The unique genius of nature has no
challengers for of what other force
can one say that without her unerring
hand nothing would exist anywhere
much less the mind of man who
studiously examines her products
admiring the precision of their
design, anxiously hoping to crack
their secret dimensions and living
in dire fear that she may some day
tire of her experiments and simply
abandon all that she has so stunningly
created to allow all to fall into decay
disinterested in the final shapes
the recycled minerals and chemicals
will take or whether the gigantic
wheels of nebulae that so amused
her during their formative stages
simply spin into a chaos of total and
final oblivion taking all with them
annihilating the energy and light
succumbing to a timeless chasm an
absolute vacuum while nature rests.

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