Friday, April 26, 2019

It's Elemental

Tempt them and they will come both
furred and feathered regarding your
offerings as a serendipitous unquestioned
benefaction to entice them to arrive
regularly day and night in homage to
the seeds and nuts, kibble and bread
serving their existential needs. They
will be mannerly as they gradually
accept your presence no longer starting
with alarm but patiently awaiting your
ministrations allowing them to resume
their nibbling and gnawing preoccupied
with the need and the desire to fill their
bellies. And as one act of kindness breeds
another learning to tolerate the close
consuming company of others both of
their kind and not, with birds sitting
alongside squirrels and raccoons
arriving in pairs the rabbits far more
selective and as flighty as the birds
only occasionally one of  your guests
cranky, officiously tolerating no
competition. Delighting you with
their presence though their trust means
your obligation to stock their larder at
the crack of dawn, at the noon hour, in
the mid-afternoon and evening and before
you make your way to bed in this exercise
of good neighbour when times are scarce.

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