Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lonely Planet

It takes awareness. It requires patience.
Above all, the recognition of need and the 
willingness to respond as best one can for 
it is difficult at the very least for most of us 
to refrain from speaking of ourselves in 
favour of allowing others to speak of their
issues. In a world rife with disappointed 
relationships of people forever too busy 
to give deep thought to exactly what it is 
that keeps them busy and why it is that 
being busy precludes the most elemental 
need of human emotional contact we remain
bereft and confused, resentful and angry
that we are in essence alone though
surrounded by others. Granted, it is the 
very essence of chic and a status symbol 
to boast of tribulations brought to the astute
professional ear of psychotherapists skilled 
at diagnosing and assessing the state of one's
unruly mind according to the clinician's
handbook by listening, taking notes and 
prompting, so over time the benefit of 
ventilating uncertainty and confusion eases 
perceived conditions when in fact it is time 
and a sympathetic listener enabling the
perspective of dealing with life's blows.

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