Friday, April 12, 2019

Dredging The Mind

It seems to me it takes the precise
and niggling mind of an accountant
to enjoy crossword puzzles, they're
just not my idea of a fun challenge.
My choice is as a poll respondent and
my optimal specialty is politics where
I can vent my spleen at the stupidity
and cupidity of those whom a majority
vote into public office. But one takes
them as they come, sigh. Take as an
example one poll recently completed
an absolute bore leaving me in wonder
at the cunning design of the questions
seeking to establish popular response
to commercial issues of great import
and public impact to better serve the
public and derive huge benefit to the
everlasting bottom line of enterprise.
Questions as diverse as whether I 
invest my capital and when I respond
I do not, further probes whether I have
trust in my chosen investment adviser
and if not, select from given options
from expectations of fraud forward.
Ah, and whether I, a tea-imbiber choose
to frequent Second Cup, Starbucks or
Tim Horton's and how often despite
having denied ever drinking the brew.
Better yet, how often I shop at Walmart
and my level of satisfaction along with
queries of how better to serve customers
when my response has been nil, and
do I feel the stores are ill kept, the
employees rude ... well of course I do!

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