Girded For Life
Life is full of surprises, many exciting
and joyful, which should discount the
misery imposed by those that 'take us by
surprise' and for which we are never, ever
prepared. A signal lesson in life from early
years to maturity is that though we are
gregarious creatures, like generally is
comfortable with like, a primitive emotion
that has stood the test of time, from a time
when being with others like yourself was
insurance for survival. Humankind has
since then evolved, but not to the point
where that timeless test of welcoming to
your hearth strangers whose customs fail
to echo yours is guaranteed. Certainly as
civilized creatures we claim ourselves to be
unreservedly uncritical of others even while
experiencing rejection because we are unlike
others. But then of course reality is that
people will be as they are absent an inner
struggle to improve what they are, and no
one can seriously convince the experienced
others will appreciate your exceptionality
as your mother always did. The moral of the
story is social amity without flaunting traits
that set one apart or a heritage and values
your very own. Own them and take pleasure
in them but secure them from open view.
The plain truth is others don't really care
prepared to accept you at face value just as
they trust you will them. And those whose
world view is their way or no way illustrate
an intemperate character far best avoided.