Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Weapon of Hatred

Anger is a dangerous weapon -- one when 
taken to plausible extremes can be atrociously 
lethal. Arsenals are mere devices whose use 
by military for offense and defence, are deadly 
mechanical contrivances available to few. 
Weapons in a civil society are withheld from
access by those not trained to military action 
for the obvious purpose of ensuring that the 
availability of killing machines be kept to an 
absolute minimum in the social compact 
concern of maintaining law and order where
only those assigned as custodians of the law 
may carry and use them. Yet all the aids to 
murder and mayhem are but things, immobile
passive devices which in the absence of a 
handler motivated by all the rage and fury 
that a human mind is possessed with do no 
harm representing in their inanimate state
the very pinnacle of humankind's murderous 
potential lacking the human brain manipulating 
them in possession of hatred, to maim, slaughter.
All this our rational minds can understand.
It is beyond our comprehension however that 
a religion of peace consumes the souls of its 
faithful with the injunction to kill the infidel. 
The savagery dedicated to the mission of 
imposing terror on the world community by 
sinister and random acts of Islamofascism
leave us aghast at the hateful derangement
unleashed within the capricious human mind
anger twinned with hatred, the ultimate evil.

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