Wednesday, July 18, 2018

In Passing

Immersed, but not of the passing scene
before me swarmed humanity in its urban
passage an urgent call to take possession
of the day, involved and eager, prepared
to meet the demands of circumstance while
responding to the minutiae consuming their
thoughts and actions while I observed from
my immobile perch as they streamed past
oblivious of my presence, the elderly limping
by, the young grouped in the conceit of youth's
enthusiasms, bicycling, skateboarding 
to close the gap between action and time
as others more given to display eschewed
the shorn garments of the carefree as they
haughtily strode along in outrageous costume
inviting paused glances, smiles and sneers
of those dodging wheelchairs and walkers.
People of visible ethnic origin, people of
colour and colourful people, deliberately
flaunting their queer credentials veering 
between genders, muscled young men in a
brevity of garment matching the generous
revelations of young women's gifts of
nature, among them dour women in chadors
dark and morose, hirsute men, young and
not, the halting gait of the obese rolling
along, stopping at ATMs, exiting vehicles
slipping into fitness gyms, karaoke bars and
welfare offices as they pursue their day's
agenda. Were I among them someone else
contemplating the visual array I wonder what
assortment of descriptors I would earn?

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