Monday, July 2, 2018

Nature's Dramas

No, this was not at all the brisk, cooling
wind whose presence alleviated the crushing
heat and humidity of the past three days but
rather the hoarse and heated breath of a mythic
monster raging through the atmosphere
bending trees beneath the demon force of its
rage, and nor was this the benevolent crystalline
heavenly-blue of the great amphitheatre of
the sky showcasing the splendour of a summer
sun heating the atmosphere well beyond the
capacity of living things to endure, for a dark
and distant distant cloud formation hastened
by the tornado-quality of the bellowing wind
swiftly brought night to the sky as drumrolls
of thunder warned of the imminent approach 
of a weather change, charged by bright streaks
of lightning slicing the vaporous material dense
with rain. Fascinatingly sinister its approach
the very air taut with suspense in the deeply
entrenched odour of this weather phenomenon
identifying its violent nature. Objects lifted into
the air to fly aimlessly about as though insensate
things temporarily possessed the quality of
fear. And when the raging force of the rain 
struck, a sound like pistons clattered on the
landscape below, a deluge to briefly lift the
searing heat broiling the environment, as heavy 
raindrops sizzled and fizzled drenching all.

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