Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Defining Morbid Venom

When state and non-state entities define their
raison d'etre as the destruction of another state
and its people how else to classify it other than
terrorism-inspired annihilation with a view to
committing genocide, a previous and quite
successful effort on the world stage they decry
as insufficiently vigorous and a figment of the
imagination of the victims glorying in their
victimhood thus feeling entitled to the especial
privilege of continuing to exist on this mortal
coil? In one agonizingly extended yet brief
period in human history it took but six years
for Nazi Germany to exterminate six million
men, women, children to rid the world of Jews.
In a more modern era Muslim nations and their
Islamofascist offspring have taken a more
leisurely route of 70 years to eradicate that
stubborn tribe that continues to insist it has a
fundamental human right to live and to continue
gifting the world with its genius in the arts and
sciences while the world, indifferent as ever has
become bored with the inevitability of it all
leaving it to the threatened and the defiant to
look to its own defence, for it has no other choice.

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