Friday, July 27, 2018

The Forest Sighs

The desperate earth sucked dry
of moisture through unrelenting
weeks of torrid heat under a
flaming sun where even the wind
carries its burden of overheated
air and no relief can be found
until nature relents and sends
down weeks of copious rain
interspersed with raging
electrical thunderstorms
racing through the atmosphere
to slake the desperate thirst of
the forest where the forest floor
cracked and hardened 
closed down its green vegetation
now hosts pools of water
unable to penetrate the already
drenched soil where tree roots
begin to drown in the excess
that was once reversed in a
shrivelling storm of heat. Now
the conflict in the heavens above
carries on as extremes of heat
and those of excessive rain 
offer the landscape below 
prostratting waves of heat 
contrasted with an unstoppable
deluge, the skies clear-blue one
moment, charcoal-streaked the
very next, and the forest sighs. 


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