Thursday, July 19, 2018

And So ...

I don't believe in mysticism
hard truth alone engages me and yet
I've told you that we were destined
for one another
that when we first met I
recognized you for you had
entered my dreams and I knew
you while you knew nothing of me.
Receiving that peculiar admission
from me you were neither
credulous nor disbelieving
simply disinterested as though
it hardly mattered. And yes
you were right then
and all these years later
you are still right. While our
destiny has been to live
our lives together
in a kind of predictability
when two people meet and
recognize in one another a
mirror image of all that matters
they are among the fortunate
and accept that privilege. So yes
you are quite correct, nothing
whatever mysterious in my
conviction of a mystical
sleeping encounter with you
but an overactive imagination
and an everlasting twinge on my
memory of the magic of
our shared life force.

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