Monday, April 9, 2018

Thou Shalt Not

Indignant and conscientious parents
know they have a duty to civil society
to tame the little wild beasts they bring
into this world to ensure the survival of
their genetic inheritance and they perform
this duty with gratifying gusto whenever
their offspring deny truth and invent
whoppers to cover their indecent little
arses. No threats, no bullying, behave
have respect. How proud those parents are 
when the fruit of their labour mature into
admirably responsible men and women
a credit to their parents and the society in
which they were raised. And then there
is the stark contrast of the world's exemplar
of human aspirations to govern our emotions
and strive to act honourably on the world
stage, nation to nation. An institution
whose purpose was to act as a global
reminder of gentle persuasion inviting all
its member nations to act in the best interests
in all matters pertaining to human rights
to reflect upon that esteemed body invested
in achieving world order looking to the high
ground, chastising those that fail and
praising those that succeed, somehow in
the process managing to turn right and wrong
praise and censure completely inside-out.

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