Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Beware Jewish Plots

In the final analysis the issue around the
Final Solution is a mere misunderstanding
an error of understanding in interpretation
which often happens when translating from
one language to another though the lingua
franca in this situation like none other is
that of parsing hatred, a loathing so intense
that all the participants intended was to
protect the world from the threats set out
in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So
that when the Iranian Ayatollahs express
doubts on the Holocaust and its numbers
what they mean is their expression of vast
disappointment in the finite total leaving
alive enough Jews to procreate and get on
with those nefarious plans to rule the world. 
As a pure Aryan race in total sympathy 
with the Nazi selfless ambition as candidates 
for a new world order, lamentably failed in 
design and purpose leaving an unfinished
legacy of six million Jewish lives destroyed
the Islamic Republic of Iran is horrified 
to discover the recovery of Jewish existence 
to its current 14.5 million. Hardly, in retrospect
a job well done they bitterly decry of trust 
in German efficiency even if in 1930 16.5 
million Jews existed globally; a paltry 
reduction to the present of two million 
a numerical error Iran plans to rectify.

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