Monday, April 30, 2018

Sinister Events Abroad

They are young and zealously passionate in
the depth of their beliefs those hundreds of
initiates converged on the Eternal City to make 
their pilgrimage to the Holy See. Attendance 
at this annual study in commanding evil to 
depart and release its grasp on the innocent
and the vulnerable is a serious matter and the 
attendees and their instructors give it the 
attention it fully deserves one group leading 
the other understanding their acquired skills 
in exorcism will be much in demand for all 
too many of the church's unfortunates have 
been victimized by the Angel of Evil whose
exploits throughout humanity infiltrating and
gaining authority over the weak souls whose 
psycho-corporeal essence has been sacrificed 
in the realms of greed, suspicion, threats and 
vicious venality dominating society. The 
ambitions of the attendees is to correct a course 
and redirect humanity to the path of divine
righteousness. The rumour that stealthily
exudes its essence of blame draws attention 
to the advance toward the devil of the Shepherd 
of Christ whose encounter with the blessed 
Spirit has been as evil confronting God, now
requiring an exorcism of primary precedence.

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