Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Enigmatic Mind

Have a care, do. Oh, you've heard that
one before and chose the charity of your
fellow humans to judge your character?
Well, then, that certainly was your choice
one of your own free will, without doubt.
Was it the allure of attention, the frisson
of a moment in time approximating the
only kind of celebrity your life will ever
experience? The instant gratification that
comes with applause, the warmth of the
empathy exuding from your audience as
you disclosed matters about yourself you
had previously shrunk from associating
with though they did reflect your actions
despicable as they were. Comforting
however, the signals gleaned that they
couldn't have been that awful if others
on hearing their disclosure fail to shrink
from you in disgust. Might it mean that in
their own experiences they have done far
worse? Is there no shame? None; all is
meant to be aired, declaimed, owned and
oh yes, forgiven. Though a word to the
wise advised caution, it is well to recall
that wisdom would have averted the very
unsavoury acts you now reveal. Nothing
now is too intimate and shame-provoking
not to declare for aren't we all human and
don't we all commit crimes against honest
decency? Your confidence has engendered
admiration for courage in confessing and
you are one among many in the company
you keep for whom there is nothing to be
kept secret, yet among whom outrage
billows on hot red paroxysms of betrayal
when a platform upon which all is casually
divulged is revealed to have betrayed 'trust'.

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