Monday, April 23, 2018

Rage and Conquest

Random and anomalous as lightning
strikes they represent the new terror of
our time. From Kabul to Kamloops
Paris to Berlin the venomous hatred of
humanity inherited and promulgated
through the auspices of a supreme power's
influence over the faithful manipulated
over their lifetime to obey and never
question the onus to surrender their own
lives in the greater glory accruing to
Islam through the quality and quantity
of slaughter carrying no greater acclaim
for those who heroically end life and
claim those of others in martyrdom
pledging on the lofty plain of jihad in
the name of peace, where no place is 
immune as the dread pathology of 
vengeance in the name of tribal antipathy 
and ancient sectarian threats commit to a
vast bloodletting to cleanse insults to
Islamic decrees leaving a vast charnel
house of the dead to satiate the appetite
of a divinely-inspired monstrosity now
and again turning its savagery toward
the task of exterminating non-believers
in their never-ending goal of conquest
achieved through unremitting destruction.

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