Saturday, April 7, 2018

 Nature's Progeny

Who can know the unknown, arcane
ways of the mind, when humanity
has been endowed by nature with an
endless and forever evolving synthesis
of ferocious emotions and genetic
inheritances guiding our lives with
pressures and proclivities few can
foresee much less understand. When
a child born with a deadly corruption
of cells striking the frail vessel of his
body while his mind remains intact
struggles to maintain life through
his years of intense pain and suffering
never once despairing always full of
hope for his personal future never
to be realized, his joyful persona giving
hope to others, while fortunates born to
wealth, health and clarity of purpose
regard all around them with contempt
and snarling rage, indifferent to the
anguish they cause by their psychotic
drive to benefit their narrow personal
desires. The child never to become a
man dies in vain obscurity, the man
driven by his demons becomes a
dreadful scourge upon society gaining
notoriety and celebrity while in
the process of destroying lives
and commanding an army none
dare oppose him, he conquers life.

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