Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Judgement Call

Yes, yes I know, hard not to notice
how you've never been able to understand
why some people gamble, believe in
astrology and the supernatural, waste
their time in admiration of popular
celebrities, yearn to be wealthy and
admire those who are, steeping themselves
in a funk of unachievable goals that make
their lives a misery of resentful discontent
in their focus on specious values when
the world is full of opportunities and
learning situations waiting to be noticed
and taken advantage of. You wonder
about yourself at times, why it is any
business of yours how people disport
themselves, what they hold dear and how
they spurn what you consider targets of
high value. Who are you to sit in judgement
and why bother feeling frustrated at the
waste of energy invested in spurious
pasttimes that no one gains anything from?
Even as the virtuous, entitled to their
superiority of choice sneer at the faults
and foibles of others irritate the hell out
of you, where do you place yourself?

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