Sunday, April 15, 2018

Defensive Survival

Oh. You prefer reality, unburnished
and raw. The truth wherever it leads.
Not, you say, to judge, merely to know
to be informed. Things happen and there
are details surrounding these events that
can be scrutinized and evaluated and
from that understanding follows. It also
follows that once the revelations lead
to that conclusion there are impressions
that can be most unfortunate. Which is
why so often survivors have their own
reality whose perspectives may distort
truth in a neutrally objective sense, but 
in the very subjective lead to survival. In 
every mind a deep subconscious delves 
into possibilities of various positions and 
views instructing the mind to nudge memory
in a primordial recall that does its service 
to its instinct for survival. Belief in events
beyond one's control in prevention and
sorrowful attestations of consequences
of unintended magnitude expressed in
weeping regret exert their powerful emotive
sympathy which absolute truth cannot and
so that alternate truth offers itself in
sacrifice to reality, in the process
offering salvation to another victim.

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