Thursday, January 25, 2018

Species Survival

Using the expedient of a mass psychosis
with which half of her species were endowed
nature felt she had solved the problem of
potential extinction through assurances of
biological procreation, setting aside the
precaution of fine-tuning  the mechanism
which haunts the other half of her species.
The tool it appears after usage from its
primal blueprint to the present is plagued
with design flaws; that primitive urge has
been hardily resistant to linkage with the
brain's expeditions into enlightenment where
social graces and emotional nuances signed
a contract sexual urges neatly sidestepped.
The undercurrent of male entitlement and
female acquiescence so deeply engrained
it brooks no dissent. Women complicit to a
degree succumbing to masculine demands
for availability simmered in resentment of
that pathological slavery submitting their
bodies, stilling their humiliating psychic
bruises but just as a sleeping volcano's
heat burbles from below until pressure
explodes magma from its core to its cone
so too has society now erupted in a fusion
of outrage and refusals felling reputations
and professions from all corners of society.
This is not revenge, though women have gathered 
as avenging angels, but it is consequential.

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