Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Nature Invites

There you are, just look around you, is this
not supremely out of this world? You've seen
photographs of this haven't you? Well, here
it is, the real thing, a forested winter landscape
you can gorge your eyes on, any direction you
choose to focus on, it's spectacular, absolutely
riveting, and it's all yours since there's no one
else around, is there? Got your camera? Now
is the opportunity to grab for yourself your
very own personal view of nature's grandeur.
Think of it as the greatest show on Earth. And
there's nothing faux about it, it's the real thing.
Take a picture, take as many pictures as you
like, no one will object, there's no one here to
even notice. Oh, other than those two little
black specks up ahead. Hey, they're moving 
along pretty briskly aren't they, and looks like
they're little dogs. Wearing winter coats? Sad
an injection of human intrusion in this sacred
unspoiled setting. Oh, pardon! They're yours?
That's all right, then, take photos of them too in
this fabulous place where the snow has just
a moment ago  ceased its lazy descent, gentle
gusts of wind sending the soft, icy flakes against
your cheeks, and now pools of sunlight float
bright over tree masts and the forest floor.
Radiant perfection isn't it, truly, my friend.

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