Sunday, January 7, 2018


You can if you wish, speak with her. Her
presence can be found here and there. She
is just like anyone else, a maturing young
woman steeped in university studies. As a
child she had a burning curiosity about the
world. Preternaturally she also had an odd
and admirable sense of justice even as a
child, so palpable her early grade-school
teachers remarked on it. She was praised
in high school for befriending those no one
else would bother with. She applied herself
to schoolwork but her friends knew her to
have a most acute sense of mischief, and
she laughed easily and readily. From an
early age she understood that law stood in
the way of chaos, and she conceived the
aspiration of becoming a criminal lawyer and
her studies then focused on human rights and
equality issues. Her language is impeccable
her writing skills impressive. She is who
she is, but she cannot be found on Facebook
on Twitter or any other social media site.
She is pleasant beyond words, engaged and
attractive and yes, her physical presence is
real despite which, since she cannot be reached
on Facebook is she an illusion, does she exist?

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