Saturday, January 6, 2018

His Pacific Patience

He is pushed by circumstances he had
no part in causing, to move from his usual
orbit of reticent humbleness to defend his
honour and that of the vast constituency
holding his sacred trust to admit that he
is indeed a GENIUS. A man of vastly
outstanding character who has throughout
his brilliant life career earned the awed
admiration of all. The balance of his
mind now unaccountably questioned by
oafs who would never recognize GENIUS
if it slapped them in the face must now be
countered lest they raise doubts in the minds
of the gullible. Yes, he is possessed of a
twitchy finger that cannot be restrained to
forego transmitting random thoughts that
rattle in his great brain, the result of which
has ... consequences. On the other hand this
man possessed of strength of conviction
in all his subterranean thoughts and
subsequent conclusions also has the
undoubted wherewithal to counter threats
merely by activating a red button, an act
for which his GENIUS has prepared him.
The sole lingering question: is the global
community at large, the power of which
his elite executive position has drawn                                                                           into this world-class squabble prepared?

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