Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deus Misereatur

Have a care and be aware of those you
may offend lest you be oblivious to the
existential carnage your carelessness may
bring down upon you. Lack of sufficiently
unctuous deference to those who preen
they have the ear of the Almighty has
the grim potential of a more monstrous
version of adolescent threats when the
son of a tyrant threatens hideous payback
if his elite presence fails to advantage
him in social situations refusing to take
cognizance of his ability to call down
the righteous wrath of a father in defense
of a piss-faced son. Nations choosing to
publicly shame a theocracy's indefensible
mangling of human rights on the altar of
sanctimony by expeditiously ridding
themselves of detractors offending the
executive powers of god's emissaries on
Earth have only themselves to blame when
the spirit of vengeance on behalf of the
godly overlord wreaks its menacing might
laying waste to the offenders using science
to forge technology's ultimate tool of mass
destruction in service to the lord of the Heavens.

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