Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Been quite a day, hasn't it? Started
in quite a promising mood early on.
Though cold, a light snowfall began
the day and soon enough that changed
and out came the sun to melt that new 
snow, revealing once again the slick icy
surface covering the landscape. Still,
undeniably beautiful to look upon.
Sheer pleasure in a winter's day, then
the nagging reminder the order of the
day and routine would be disrupted
since a doctor's appointment was 
scheduled, damn! Still, you didn't 
mouth that word even once when your
very good doctor quietly and precisely
interpreted all those tests and reports
from the specialists he had arranged
you see. You see, you felt yourself to
represent a paragon of aging gracefully
mentally alert, physically energetic
an absence of aches and pains so very
unlike others of your venerable age.
That conceit crumbled amazingly in
the wake of the litany of failures so
professionally enumerated for your
edification, requiring yet more tests
and specialists to probe and peer at
the crumbling edifice that holds your
peerless brain aloft. Just too precious
by half that before departing your blood
pressure was checked, and elevated.

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