Friday, January 12, 2018


Freakish Weather

Treasured and admired for her one-of-a-kind
voluptuous beauty, she is at one and the same 
time feared for her impetuous temper, her 
predilection for mischief her implacable 
disinterest in the dire consequences of the 
never ending episodic disasters following in 
the wake of her powerful servants' destructive 
forays into geological disturbances while all 
living creatures fend desperately for themselves 
to survive the outcomes of her imperious
orders upsetting the status quo, for stasis 
offends her and she must be amused at all costs. 
In all fairness to her influential power status 
like none other, she does indulge our wish to
behold the exalted wonders she controls and
we are grateful for that. On the other hand
our gratitude is irrelevant to her where her 
impulsive acts of disorder strains our regard 
as she flaunts her winter repertoire of wind
freezing rain and snowfall, polar temperatures
icefog and inverse-climatic mist and above
all the seesaw tricks of benign ratcheted to 
threateningly adverse as we are whipped 
between plus-and-minus atmospheric levels 
while the goddess of science and existence plucks 
flash-freeze conditions from her bubbling stew 
of incomparably freakish winter weather.

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