Monday, January 29, 2018

Galahad Mine

I never did experience a fear of flying
and nor did I ever need a revolution
to instill in me independence. Fear of
falling now, that's another thing altogether.
But Galahad lives. He has, in fact, lived
with me for the past 60 years. Once a
gallant youth, we all grow into distant
maturity and he no different as we paced
life together. In summer we garden and
take long, leisurely walks in the woods
together, he and I, and nor are we either
one of us an accessory to the other. In
winter we take long, leisurely walks in
the frozen woods through those trails
meandering deep through snow and ice. 
Fear of falling? With good reason for I 
have now and again. But he is at my side 
and steadies my gait, walking me through
the icefields of life and bringing me whole
again to another summer this season of
our lives in our binary tandem of life

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