Wednesday, January 24, 2018


The nest has been long emptied and the
two sibling puppies, small and precocious
late-life offspring bringing new life and
happiness to a household of two have no
real obligations toward their doting 'parents'
to behave any less obstreperously than did
their own children that long-ago time in
their personal history. That old adage that
'a lesson well learned is never forgotten'
certainly fails to apply to all experiences
where fear has not resulted in avoidance
given the unaware repeat on a woodland
ravine's winter walk where  insane weather
transformed snow packed on hillsides into
slick ice-topped mounds masquerading in
the minds of two little dogs as innocent of
danger. Just the day before the ice-slicked
hills had propelled one pup helplessly down
and away to finally land at the long hill's
termination point, while today the same
adventuresome pup found himself sliding
precipitously toward the raging creek at the
bottom of another hill, halted momentarily
by tall grassy stalks protruding from the ice.
The rescue mission commenced, crashing
through the ice, falling akimbo but still
managing to grasp halter and pup to effect
an affectionately grudging haul to safety.

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