Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blighted, Benighted

This is, undeniably, a personage of great
presence whose life is an open book of
amazing revelations, each page of which
he is inordinately helpful in displaying to
public curiosity for he is indeed one of a
kind. There are not many like this man who
has accomplished so much throughout his
life that so many others may have aspired
to but failed to meet the success that his
multifarious escapades have, gaining him
a rare celebrity status proving capable of
propelling him into the rarefied atmosphere
of power and wealth, and when that did
not suffice to his ultimate satisfaction on
he went to acquire that ultimate position
representing the authority of the most visible
and powerful seat on this planet Earth. For
the qualities that burnish his reputation are
diverse and plentiful, his mastery of ego
preening and boastful indulgence befitting
a world-class sexual predator, bully and
racist thug whose limited vocabulary strangles
strategies of communication geared to
shock and awe while indulging in perjury
threatening the balance of the Globe.

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