Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Superior Species

We are under few illusions
respecting belief in the mastery
of humankind over other animal
species on this planet. Our two small
companions, on the other hand
harbour few illusions, they know
of a certainty that theirs is the
superior intellect, capable of
manipulating, cajoling, threatening
and outright charming their humans
into compliance. Their skills in
extracting advantage in every
conceivable way to satisfy their
every whim an object lesson in
humility as we observe their subtle
communication instinctively knowing
us as we hardly know ourselves. 
They don't fall into the error of
belief that they are wholly dependent
on our good graces, knowing the
reverse to be true; we submit to
their spontaneous demands unable
to resist their good graces. Moreover
while we continually err in the
belief that outcomes will change 
they unerringly recognize clues
to trigger sought-for responses and
push those buttons on impulse
or design, neither failing them.

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