Monday, November 14, 2016


Night Garden

The garden at night is decidedly not
the same one we are familiar with
in the dazzling light of the sun
prim and innocent of dark mischief.
This nighttime garden, however, is
steeped in the mystery of strange sounds
and an unfamiliar odour where objects
thought inanimate appear to move
and a faint wailing and a gnashing alert
to the presence of peculiar omens of
the presence of a far different world
than the one the gardener carefully
tends to throughout daylight hours of
familiarity and fond aspirations in the
arcane belief that what results is a
reflection of the skill and patience of
the one who wields the spade. The
night garden informs otherwise, that
unknown emanations and the eerie
presence of unrecognized beings
take possession of the night and the
garden and woe betide the unwary
who venture where their presence is
unwanted and resented, whose senses
finally inform it is time to depart.

1 comment:

hyperCRYPTICal said...

I haven't visited here for some time, real life getting in the way. Nevertheless remain in awe of your words.
Kind regards
Anna :o]